  • Navigacija preko tipkovnice
  • Izključi animacije
  • Visok kontrast
  • Sivine
  • Povečaj pisavo
  • Pomanjšaj pisavo
  • Označi naslove
  • Označi povezave
  • Podčrtaj povezave
Zemljevid strani
Izjava o dostopnosti

ERASMUS Intensive Language Courses (EILCs) are specialised courses in less widely spoken and less taught languages organised in the countries where these languages are used for instruction at higher education institutions. EILCs give Erasmus students an opportunity to study languages as well as acquire some knowledge about the culture and society of the host country before starting their Erasmus Exchange Programme.
More information about EILCs and the application procedure can be found on the following websites:


ERASMUS Intensive Language Courses in the Slovene language (Level  A1-A2) will be organsied at Cene Štupar – CILJ during the following periods of the 2013/14 academic year:

1st semester:   2 – 27 September 2013

Erasmus moments (photos)

2nd semester: 21 January – 15 February 2014




The courses will be held at Cene Štupar – CILJ, Linhartova cesta 13, 2nd floor, Ljubljana.

About the course:

64 hours of lessons, 22 hours of accompanying programme.
Lessons and accompanying program will be held from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 21:00 according to schedule.
Since language and culture are inseparable, the cultural and intercultural components of the course are included in the context of the lessons and accompanying programme.

Accompanying program:

  • Introductory meeting
  • Boat cruise along the Ljubljanica River
  • Walking tour of Ljubljana
  • Short trip through Tivoli Park to Rožnik and Šišenski Hrib
  • Final workshop, closing ceremony

Accompayning program 2014


The courses end with a written and oral examination. Students must achieve at least 60% on the examinations and be present for at least 88% of the lessons to obtain 3 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumultaion System).

Piškotki za analitiko
Ti se uporabljajo za beleženje analitike obiskanosti spletne strani in nam zagotavljajo podatke na podlagi katerih lahko zagotovimo boljšo uporabniško izkušnjo.
Piškotki za družabna omrežja
Piškotki potrebni za vtičnike za deljenje vsebin iz strani na socialna omrežja.
Piškotki za komunikacijo na strani
Piškotki omogočajo pirkaz, kontaktiranje in komunikacijo preko komunikacijskega vtičnika na strani.
Piškotki za oglaševanje
So namenjeni targetiranemu oglaševanju glede na pretekle uporabnikove aktvinosti na drugih straneh.
Kaj so piškotki?
S klikom na POTRDI soglašate z uporabo piškotkov na naših straneh.Potrdi Več o piškotkih